Category: Dating

Make the Decision Ahead of Time

Make the Decision Ahead of Time

We all know people who struggle with restraint when it comes to food. (We all probably know what it’s like to be those people, too, at least on some level.) Whether it’s binge eating, yo-yo dieting, or indulging in a…

The Best or Something Better

The Best or Something Better

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you click through to Amazon and make a purchase, I may receive a small compensation, at no extra cost to you. That said, I only share products I truly like…

Why Has It Become So Awkward to Initiate Friendships?

Why Has It Become So Awkward to Initiate Friendships?

Consider, if you will, these three different scenarios that have all taken place in my life recently: Whether with potential dates or potential friends, all these encounters felt eerily similar, because they all felt awkward, and in each one, someone…

Rejection Isn’t Always About You

Rejection Isn’t Always About You

Rejection hurts. I know this from painful firsthand experience. It hurts our pride, it hurts our self-esteem, and often it hurts our chances of trying again because we get too scared and scarred by our memories. I’m not going to…

Reasons I Won’t Date a Guy

Reasons I Won’t Date a Guy

I haven’t had to turn down that many guys in my 33 years of life (and none were asking until I was a few years into my 20s, either!), but on occasion I will decline someone’s advances, and I have…

Things I’ve Done to Avoid an Unwanted Suitor

Things I’ve Done to Avoid an Unwanted Suitor

We’ve all been there. You see him coming: the guy you suspect has a crush on you that is definitely not mutual. (Or, worse, his mom, desperately trying to find a wife for her very unattractive son at all costs,…

9 Signs a Woman Might Not Be Interested

9 Signs a Woman Might Not Be Interested

There are a few guys I’ve observed in my circles who continuously crash and burn with women. They miss all the signposts and jump the gun with any gal they can get a conversation with, impulsively asking for dates when…

My Philosophy on Dating

My Philosophy on Dating

I have a pretty simple philosophy on dating. It doesn’t seem to be that common, and some even see it as controversial, but it’s not complicated. In today’s society, it is no longer common to just WAIT. Not for anything…

Awkward Scenarios Christians Face On Dates

Awkward Scenarios Christians Face On Dates

Ahh, dating. It opens up a whole new world of butterflies and bumbling idiocy for anyone who dares venture into a new relationship. But no group of people faces the overwhelming amount of pressure in dating quite like Christians do….

Seven Guys I Won’t Date

Seven Guys I Won’t Date

As a single person, people occasionally give me grief for being “too picky.” Really, if that’s what I’m going to go down in history as, I can deal with that. I have high standards and I am not ashamed! While…