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I can hardly believe my second year as a BSSM student online is coming to an end! I just finished my last book of the year and it seems surreal.
Last year, I shared the book list for (full-time) online First Year students, and now I’m back with the Second Year list. Part-time students may have different books or have them in a different order, and the list is subject to change (I think BSSM often makes adjustments), but this will give you some idea of what to expect if you enroll in Second Year online.
Here are the books we read in 2021-2022, in order:
In Second Year, we read one book per month and wrote a 700-900-page report on each one summarizing what the author was saying, why the author said it, and how we’ll apply the concepts to our lives. The book assignments were different from First Year, because we wrote actual book reports instead of answering questions about each book.
As with First Year, we were not told ahead of time which books we’d be reading. We either found out on the first day of each month or a few days into the month.
Again, all copies were e-books from the Bethel bookstore, with the exception of the John G. Lake book (which you can get on Amazon). I downloaded the mobi files and sent them to my Kindle app.
The one major difference for Second Year is that you have to read the first book before the start of the school year, and it’s a long one – a whopping 548 pages!
Our book list was a little different from the on-campus one. Students on campus did not read God is Good or Victorious Emotions; they instead read Developing the Leader Within You by John Maxwell and God’s Generals (chapters 4 and 8-12) by Roberts Liardon. Other than that, our lists were the same, based on what I heard from my friends who attended BSSM in person. I think the school had to make some adjustments based on the e-books they carry in the Bethel store.
Hope that’s helpful to any prospective students! The reading list is very doable since you only have one assigned book per month, and some of them are pretty short. Just be sure to get a head start on the John G. Lake book, and you’ll be golden! (Should I say that one more time? Ha. That one will take you a while. 😊)
Happy reading!