With Rosh Hashanah underway and the Days of Awe taking place this week, prayer is very much a focus of mine this week.
(I began studying the Hebrew calendar last year and although I am no expert, I summarized my understanding of Rosh Hashanah and why prayer is so important during this time of year here.)
Prayer is something I try to be really diligent about, and it doesn’t necessarily come naturally for me – except, say, when I’m driving behind a painfully slow car or when I’m in a crisis. (Isn’t that so true for most of us?)
There are specific things I make a point to routinely ask God for, though. I have certain things I pray every day and certain things I pray every week, and although I don’t always stick to my lists with 100% success, I keep trying. Because I know God is listening, and I know prayer is powerful. I’ve seen too many answered prayers in my lifetime to believe otherwise!
Here are nine things I make a habit of praying on the regular:
What do you make a habit of asking God for regularly? What prayers has he answered for you? Drop a comment below!