The Most Meaningful Jewelry I’ve Worn

This is not a sponsored post, just a product line I love that is really meaningful and encouraging to me!

Several months ago, I was chatting over a bonfire with a friend when I noticed her necklace. A thin chain held a tiny heart with a word on it that I couldn’t read from where I was sitting. I complimented her on her jewelry and asked what it said.

My friend brightened as she showed me the necklace. “It’s actually prophetic!” She told me, explaining that this company from California called The Crowning Jewels prays over the name of each customer before creating a custom piece of jewelry with the word or phrase that they feel God gives them for that person.

I loved this idea! Even though it was a splurge for me, I immediately ordered myself a custom necklace. There are several styles to choose from, but I went with a similar necklace to the one my friend had worn – a delicate heart-shaped necklace, mine in silver with a gold chain. I chose my metals (Each piece contains a mix of metals because of what they each represent, but you can usually choose which metals go where) and typed my first name into a box so The Crowning Jewels knew whose name to pray over. I mainly chose the style I did because it was the most affordable one, but I had also admired it on my friend and knew it was something I could wear every day since it was small and simple.

A week later, there was a package in my mailbox. My necklace had arrived!

I was very eager to see which word had been chosen for me. I knew the options were limited for the smaller pieces because they don’t have room to accommodate the longer words and phrases, and I honestly had no idea what word I’d get that was four letters or less. (And believe me, I tried to think of all the possibilities. 😉)

I was surprised to see these four letters on my necklace: FREE.

The Most Meaningful Jewelry I've Worn from The Crowning Jewels | Millennials with Meaning

Included in the bag was a card explaining why this word was chosen for me. It said:

You are free. You have been created for abundant life. You were made for nothing less than abundance, fullness of joy, and complete healing.
Jesus has paid for this type of living. You are free to dream, free to hope, free to love.
– ❤️ TCJ

The Most Meaningful Jewelry I've Worn - Letter from The Crowning Jewels | Millennials with Meaning

“Free” wasn’t a word I would’ve guessed for myself, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized it fit. For starters, the person praying over me and writing that note could not have known my healing story. No one at this company knew me or anything about me, just my first name. They also couldn’t have known how fear and shame have harassed me for so many years that I am often afraid to dream, hope, and love too much, because I don’t want to get disappointed. Fear was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the word “free,” because it’s the thing I need to be free of the most.

This personalized necklace and the card that went along with it were such an encouragement to me. They reminded me of who I am in God – free! – and to declare his truth rather than listen to the enemy’s lies.

I have since ordered a few more necklaces from The Crowning Jewels. I haven’t gotten any other “Heaven Inspired” prophetic pieces, but I’ve chosen to prophesy and declare some specific words over myself, and each one is special to me. They may just be pieces of metal, but they remind me of God’s promises and boost my faith every time I wear them.

Here are some of the words I and friends of mine have gotten on our necklaces:

…and more!

There are many ready-made necklaces to choose from as well as possible words for the prophetic pieces.

Yes, they’re a bit on the spendy side, but you can get 15% off your first order when you sign up for The Crowning Jewels e-mail list. They also have sales about once a month, so those are worth waiting for if you’re hoping to save a few bucks.

If you want a pretty piece of jewelry with an inspiring message to go along with it, check out this cool company and be encouraged!

Also, be sure to check out The Crowning Jewels blog. Their monthly prophetic words are so uplifting and I never miss reading one!

The Most Meaningful Jewelry I’ve Worn

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The Most Meaningful Jewelry I’ve Worn

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