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I’ve already shared some of my prophetic experiences with you, and I’ve also told you about some of my favorite prophetic people to follow so that you can receive prophetic words from others.
But how can you know if you’re prophetic?
If you are, how do you grow in it? And if you aren’t, can you learn to be?
Well, for starters, you can take a spiritual gifts test. (I recommended a few in a past blog post.)
Secondly, you can figure out how you hear from God. I’m a firm believer that God speaks to everyone; we just don’t always realize it. In other words, any of us can be prophetic because we’re all capable of hearing from God in some way. I’ve talked before about how I didn’t learn how to consistently hear from God until I was in my mid-20s. Whether you’re younger than that or older, don’t feel bad if you’re a certain age and you’ve never heard from God before. He’s speaking to you – I promise! You maybe just haven’t figured out exactly how or what he’s saying yet. If no one’s ever taught you, it’s hard to know how!
I love how Havilah Cunnington outlines four distinct ways God speaks to us: hearing, feeling, knowing, and seeing. He may speak to us primarily in one way or in several of those ways, but he does speak to each one of us. I’ve written more about some of the ways God can speak to us here and here.
The books below cover each of these communication methods and more. Some are specifically about hearing or seeing (as indicated below); others are about prophecy in general. I’ve learned a lot from each one of them!
If you’re looking for somewhere to start, Lana Vawser’s The Prophetic Voice of God is a good pick.
If you’re pretty sure you have a prophetic gift and you want to learn more, Kris Vallotton’s Basic Training for the Prophetic Ministry might interest you.
And if you’re what they call a “seer” – someone who dreams dreams or sees visions – the SEEING section below will appeal to you most.
But don’t write off the books you think might not apply to you! For example, while I wouldn’t have considered myself to be a “seer” at all before reading several books on seeing, I’ve come to realize that God speaks to me in my dreams almost every night while I sleep, and I continue to learn more about how to decode and interpret those prophetic dreams. I knew God spoke to me in other ways, but I wouldn’t have had a clue about any of this dream business if I hadn’t borrowed my mom’s stack of James Goll books. So often God is speaking and we are totally clueless!
I hope these resources help you and that you know, without a doubt, that God speaks to you.
Without further ado, here are my favorite books to help you develop your own prophetic gift and hear from God more clearly:
Basic Training for the Prophetic Ministry by Kris Vallotton
School of the Prophets: Advanced Training for Prophetic Ministry by Kris Vallotton
Prophet, Arise: Your Call to Boldly Speak the Word of the Lord by John Eckhardt
The Prophetic Voice of God: Learning to Recognize the Language of the Holy Spirit by Lana Vawser
The Voice of God: How to Hear and Speak Words from God by Cindy Jacobs
Translating God: Hearing God’s Voice for Yourself and the World Around You by Shawn Bolz
Whisper: How to Hear the Voice of God by Mark Batterson
God Still Speaks: How to Hear and Receive Revelation from God for Your Family, Church, and Community by John Eckhardt
Lead Me, Holy Spirit: Longing to Hear the Voice of God by Stormie Omartian
God Secrets: A Life Filled with Words of Knowledge by Shawn Bolz
Dream Language: The Prophetic Power of Dreams, Revelations, and the Spirit of Wisdom by James Goll
Secrets of the Seer: 10 Keys to Activating Seer Encounters by Jamie Galloway
The Seer: The Prophetic Power of Visions, Dreams and Open Heavens by James Goll
The Veil by Blake K. Healy
The Seer’s Path: An Invitation to Experience Heaven, Angels, and the Invisible Realm of the Spiritby Ana Werner
BONUS RESOURCE: This one isn’t a book, but I love Havilah Cunnington’s Truth to Table course, “Prophetic Personalities.” It’s well worth the splurge!