The size of revival groups and small groups are the same. The size is almost identical to last year (although I’ve heard some people say theirs are bigger), and they’ve had a similar feel so far, too. We will eventually also have home groups, which are new for Second Year. These are larger than small groups (My small group has six people, including our student mentor) but smaller than revival groups (Mine has 31 people including leaders, the last I counted).
There’s still a student mentor for each small group. In past years, I don’t think this has been the case on campus for either First or Second Year, but we’ve had student mentors both years online. Both years, they have been Third Year students. Some of my on-campus friends have said they do have student mentors in Second Year for the 2021-2022 school year, too.
Each small group is still unique. Just like last year, I have a group with mixed genders and a variety of ages and countries represented. Other groups, though, are made up of women only or men only. This was also true in First Year – there were a few of each. You won’t find out any of the details except the name of your RGP until the first revival group, when you can see for yourself who’s in your assigned group.
Many (if not all) of the revival group pastors and leaders are the same. I actually have the same RGP this year that I had in First Year, Peter Mattis! Even though almost all the students are different, I like that I have the same RGP so it feels even more like I’m building on my experience last year.
There are no Friday classes. If I’m not mistaken, this is how the schedule works on-campus, as well. Though city service has not been discussed for us online students so far (presumably because of COVID restrictions around the world), I think this is typically a day for students in Redding to volunteer.
We still have worship every Wednesday. It’s even at the same time as last year! This year, First Year and Second Year students are together in the same session on YouTube.
We still have Table Talks. This is one of the only class formats that wasn’t turned into a “Main Session” this year. There generally aren’t as many students on these calls, and we are often able to unmute or pose questions in the chat for the speaker to answer.
We still have two prerecorded teachings to watch each week (for the most part). Once in a while, there’s only one for the week, and this was also the case in First Year.
We still get to hear from Bill and Kris a lot. I’m not sure it’s possible to get too much wisdom from these two, so this is a definite plus! 😊
As someone who doesn’t always welcome change with open arms, I love that there are some consistencies between First Year and Second Year. Even though some things are different from last year, it’s great to see that some of my favorite parts of First Year have remained for round two. The teaching is just as good as I came to expect in First Year, and I’m excited to continue learning and growing in the BSSM environment that I love. I’ll probably be repeating this like a broken record for the rest of my life, but if you ever get the opportunity to attend BSSM, take it! The experience is worth every penny.
Hey! I'm Brianna and I'm a millennial. I'm also a reader, writer, God-lover, introvert, and recovering perfectionist. ☺️
I want to inspire millennials to retain their morality, hope, and faith as they transition into adulthood and full-fledged "adult."