Why I’m Not Qualified to Do This (And Why I Am)

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Why I'm Not Qualified To Do This (And Why I Am) | Millennials with Meaning

It’s taken me an awful long time to get to this point. To hit POST when my anxious little heart yells, “Don’t do it! I think it’s a trap!”

I’ve known I’m supposed to write for more than a year, but I’ve been too afraid to take the plunge. You’d think someone with a journalism degree would’ve at least entertained the idea before this, but nope! I just picked the major that I thought sounded the least boring. I didn’t know I was prophesying my own destiny or have any idea that I would use my degree this overtly.

It’s been eight years since I was handed that fancy degree onstage, and I’ve never really used it until now. Sure, I’ve maintained a very small-scale recipe blog in my spare time, and I wrote plenty of PR release-sounding professional e-mails when I worked in HR. But I’ve never really written. Not like this. Not anything particularly meaningful. Not for an audience. Only for myself.

As soon as I realized that writing might, indeed, be (shockingly!) something I’m called to do, an instant laundry list of all the reasons why that just couldn’t be stacked up in my mind.

Why I’m Not Qualified to Do This:

  • I’ve never really gotten paid to write before.
  • I’m an introvert. And a shy one, at that.
  • I’m easily embarrassed.
  • I’m not a psychologist or a licensed counselor (so I’m no self-help expert).
  • I’ve never been in a Facebook-official relationship (so I’m clearly not a dating wizard).
  • I was not cool in high school (so I sure can’t tell others how to be).
  • I live in my parents’ basement. (Most people would consider this an adulting fail.)
  • I’m only 30 years old. (I’m not exactly a wise old sage.)
  • I’m so far from perfect it’s ridiculous.

But then, to give myself the courage I desperately needed, I tried to think of any reasons I might be the right person for the job. And I actually came up with some!

Why I Am Qualified to Do This:

  • I have a journalism degree – heck, I was the top Journalism/PR graduate in my class! That’s got to count for something!
  • I am a millennial.
  • I have experience in typical and atypical workplaces.
  • I’m a reader. (That’s supposed to be where every great writer starts, right?)
  • I’ve survived a broken heart (Emphasis on survived).
  • I have influence – everyone does!
  • I have a story to tell.
  • I want to make a difference. I want to be who I needed when I was younger.
  • God qualifies the called; he doesn’t call the qualified.

Really, when it comes down to it? That last one is all that matters.

Can you relate? I know I can! 😜

Do you have a big dream, a big calling, a big idea that you know you’re supposed to pursue but that you’re totally terrified by? YOU CAN DO THIS!

Sit down and write out all the reasons you shouldn’t. And then write out all the reasons you should.

In his amazing book 101 Questions You Need to Ask in Your Twenties (And Let’s Be Honest, Your Thirties Too), Paul Angone challenges: “Who will you not be able to help if you give up now?”

He continues, “Someone out there right now needs your dream, and neither of you know it.”

You never fully know who that person is – who those people are – until you just go for it! And that is why I’m here. Because I don’t stand a chance of knowing until I try. And I don’t want to run the risk of not helping someone if I have something – anything – to offer.

Spoiler alert: We all have something to offer.

If God has called you to do something, he will qualify you regardless of what degree (or lack thereof), employment history (or lack thereof), and resources (or lack thereof) you have.

What are you not doing today that you know you’re supposed to? Give it a try. You are more qualified than you think.

As for me? Here goes nothing! Or something.

Why I’m Not Qualified to Do This (And Why I Am)


Why I’m Not Qualified to Do This (And Why I Am)

20 Things I’d Tell People in Their 20s

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