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I read a lot of books, and every year, I post a list of the best ones I’ve read throughout the year. Here are my lists from previous years:
The 20 Best Books I Read in 2020
The 19 Best Books I Read in 2019
The 18 Best Books I Read in 2018
As with last year, some of these were books I was assigned to read for school and loved, but most of them I chose to read myself! I have more charismatic nonfiction books on my list than anything this year, but I’m still dividing my list into fiction and nonfiction categories below for those of you who prefer one genre over the other. Here goes!
5. Love Finds You in Wildrose, North Dakota by Tracey Bateman. One of my favorite fiction reads from 2021. I probably wouldn’t have gravitated to this book on my own, but it was given to me and I really enjoyed it! Probably because I’m a fellow Midwesterner. 😊
4. Interior Motives by Ginny Aiken. This is the third book in a series that I’d been meaning to read for years, and I finally did. All three books surpassed my expectations! They’re fairly cheap on Kindle and other e-retailers, so give them a try the next time you need a good series to relax with.
3. A Bride Most Begrudging by Deeanne Gist. Though there aren’t a ton of fiction books on my list this year, I did read plenty of them. I’d heard of this book for years but had not read it and wasn’t sure it was my kind of thing. Someone gave me a copy for free earlier this year, and I couldn’t put it down!
2. A Girl’s Guide to the Outback by Jessica Kate. I really enjoyed this new book (#2 in the series) and its predecessor, Love and Other Mistakes (What a great title! 😂). Looking forward to reading more from Jessica Kate!
1. To Save A King by Rachel Hauck. It is rare for me not to love any book of Rachel Hauck’s. This is the second book in a two-part series, is priced affordably on Kindle, and does not disappoint. Make sure to read book #1 first!
15. Understanding Your Dreams: How to Unlock the Meaning of God’s Messages by Sandie Freed. I love a good Biblical dream book, and this is another great resource for those desiring to decode their dream life. There’s even a small dictionary included!
14. The Triple Threat Anointing: Moving in the Supernatural Power of Salvation, Healing and Deliverance by Andrew Towe. I have really benefited from Towe’s powerful preaching and prophetic words. It’s hard to remain afraid or uncertain when you hear the authority in his words! This book is about the “triple threat” anointing of salvation, healing, and deliverance. We have access to the same lifestyle the apostles did in the New Testament!
13. Prophetic Company: The Joyful Journey Toward Building Prophetic Community by Dan McCollam. I just finished this one and I learned several things about the prophetic gifting and the prophetic office that I hadn’t known before (and I’ve read a lot about the prophetic the past couple of years, so it’s always great to find something new in a book!).
12. Outdated by Jonathan “JP” Pokluda. I appreciated this author’s directness. He tells it like it is! I don’t agree with every one of his viewpoints, but I love that he likens dating to a job interview and says marriage is the goal – if it’s not, you’re doing something wrong.
11. The Virgin Monologues: Confessions of a Christian Girl in the 21st Century by Carrie Lloyd. I love Lloyd’s sense of humor and honesty. As someone who’s spent time both inside and outside the church, she has a unique perspective and can speak to readers of various backgrounds. Single ladies will be encouraged by her stories and probably relate to a few, too!
10. What is Heaven Saying? Your Handbook to Operating in the Gift of Prophecy by Michael Maiden. This is a really great resource for people interested in or wanting to develop the gift of prophecy. I learned plenty about this gift, even after a year at a ministry school known for training in the prophetic. A book full of encouragement, strategy, and confirmation. You can hear and are hearing from God!
9. Culture of Honor: Sustaining a Supernatural Environment by Danny Silk. This book outlines a value for honoring others that is quite different from what many of today’s churches and cultures display. I especially found it interesting to learn more about the fivefold ministry roles, and reading that “Shame is removed through love” was a profound discovery for me.
8. Indestructible: Fight Your Spiritual Battles From the Winning Side by Blake Healy. Healy is a seer. He sees angels and demons, something that provides a whole lot of insight for the Body of Christ. Indestructible is his third and most recent book and one I will likely be reading again soon. It covers the topic of spiritual warfare and offers strategies based on what Healy has seen in the spirit. One point I found especially interesting is Healy’s observation that whenever someone is under demonic oppression, they are usually lacking in one of three areas: friends, fun, or rest.
7. Profound Good: See God Through the Lens of His Love by Blake Healy. This is Healy’s second book and I have thoroughly enjoyed and learned a lot from each one he’s written. The part I found most encouraging about this one is how he said every single time someone prays for healing, he can see in the spirit that they receive what they ask for. Even if it doesn’t manifest for some reason, he sees the healing come in the spirit. Prayer works, and it’s powerful!
6. Heavy Rain: How to Flood Your World with God’s Transforming Power by Kris Vallotton. This book is so relevant for our time. I’ve been looking for a YouTube link to one of Vallotton’s sermons on this message, because people need to hear it. He shares about the differences between denominationalism and apostleship and why the church needs representation from all of the fivefold ministry offices. One truth that hit me hard: “You only have as much influence in people’s lives as they place value on you.”
5. Overcoming Spiritual Attack: Identify and Break Eight Common Symptoms by Ryan LeStrange. This was a really insightful book about the tools of the enemy that keep us from our destinies. Read this book to be encouraged and have your eyes opened so you can resist the enemy and overcome! This one will probably be a reread for me in the future because I need to be reminded of these principles often.
4. Basic Training for Prophetic Activation by Dan McCollam. The best book to read if you want to start prophesying! It doesn’t have to be hard. This book is full of activations to get you started.
3. The Hannah Anointing: Becoming a Woman of Resilience, Fulfillment, and Fruitfulness by Michelle McClain-Walters. I have gleaned so much wisdom from these books on women of the Bible I thought I already knew everything about. McClain-Walters truly has a special anointing herself to write these books and bring revelation about each of these Biblical matriarchs.
2. Moral Revolution: The Naked Truth About Sexual Purity by Kris Vallotton and Jason Vallotton. This is the best book on purity/dating/relationships I’ve encountered. It neither excuses sin nor heaps shame upon those who have made mistakes. Instead, it speaks the truth and calls people up to the level they were designed to live. Every teenager should read this.
1. The Esther Anointing: Becoming a Woman of Prayer, Courage, and Influence by Michelle McClain-Walters. I’ve read every one of the books in this series on Biblical women, and this one is probably my favorite. I’ve found more in common with each woman’s story than I would’ve thought! These books really bring the Bible to life in a relatable way and carry an impartation. I’m looking forward to the next book on Sarah that releases next year.
That wraps up my favorites from 2021! It’s hard to believe a new year is almost upon us, but until then, I’ll be taking a break. Merry Christmas, and see you in 2022!