Things That Have Helped Me As a Teacher

Things That Have Helped Me As a Teacher

My Initial Thoughts on BSSM First and Second Year Vs. Reality

My Initial Thoughts on BSSM First and Second Year Vs. Reality

When I first read about what BSSM’s First and Second Year programs were all about, I thought, I wish I could skip straight to Second Year. I know a few people who need to get their identities worked out and…

Things I Loved and Didn’t Love About Second Year at BSSM Online

Things I Loved and Didn’t Love About Second Year at BSSM Online

I’m officially a Second Year graduate from BSSM Online! 🎉 There’s so much I could say about my experience and none of my words seem adequate, but the past two years have been exactly what I needed. BSSM is truly…

Walk by Faith

Walk by Faith

A few nights ago, I had a strange dream. I was walking with a friend named Faith, and I was cradling an egg in my hands as we journeyed down this long, narrow path together. I knew we were close…

BSSM Online Second Year AMTs

BSSM Online Second Year AMTs

One of the great parts about Second Year at BSSM Online is that we had AMTs (Advanced Ministry Trainings), and we got to choose them! In First Year, we were auto-enrolled in just a few of them. This year, we…

Second Year BSSM Online 2021-2022 Book List

Second Year BSSM Online 2021-2022 Book List

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you click through to Amazon and make a purchase, I may receive a small compensation, at no extra cost to you. That said, I only share products I truly like…

My COVID Healing Testimony

My COVID Healing Testimony

Last week I shared about how I’ve really begun to see the power of prayer at work in my life. It’s like a switch flipped, and suddenly some of my prayers are actually getting things done, in Jesus’ name! 🙌…

The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

I have some really cool testimonies to share with you! Most of us know in our heads that prayer is powerful. James says the prayer of a righteous person is “a force to be reckoned with” (James 5:16). But I…

The Old Has Gone; The New Has Come

The Old Has Gone; The New Has Come

Everything is prophetic to me. Okay, not everything, but the Lord speaks through so much of what happens in my day-to-day life. My mom got a new car a few weeks ago. New to her, anyway. She’s driven around the…

Letting Go

Letting Go

This week, I let go of something that was difficult for me to release. When I was in college, I took a digital media class where each student created a free WordPress blog for the semester. I started a recipe…

What Does Success Look Like for You in This Season?

What Does Success Look Like for You in This Season?

Lately I’ve been feeling overwhelmed. Okay, I’ve been feeling overwhelmed since October, when it became clear to me that Second Year at BSSM was not what I was expecting and was actually quite different than the First Year rhythm I’d…