Tag: Second Year

Closing Thoughts on Second Year

Closing Thoughts on Second Year

A few weeks ago, I finished my second year at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. While a part of me is ready for something new and more than ready to leave all the homework behind, the other part of me…

My Favorite Kris Vallotton Quotes from Second Year

My Favorite Kris Vallotton Quotes from Second Year

Last week I shared a few of my favorite Bill Johnson quotes from Second Year, and today I have some profound Kris-isms to share with you! Here are the ones I loved most this year: “The greatest resistors of the…

Things I Wish I’d Known Going Into Second Year at BSSM

Things I Wish I’d Known Going Into Second Year at BSSM

I arguably felt even less prepared going into Second Year at BSSM than I did going into First Year. There were a handful of First Year students who’d written blog posts and uploaded YouTube videos detailing their experiences, but there…

My Initial Thoughts on BSSM First and Second Year Vs. Reality

My Initial Thoughts on BSSM First and Second Year Vs. Reality

When I first read about what BSSM’s First and Second Year programs were all about, I thought, I wish I could skip straight to Second Year. I know a few people who need to get their identities worked out and…

Things I Loved and Didn’t Love About Second Year at BSSM Online

Things I Loved and Didn’t Love About Second Year at BSSM Online

I’m officially a Second Year graduate from BSSM Online! 🎉 There’s so much I could say about my experience and none of my words seem adequate, but the past two years have been exactly what I needed. BSSM is truly…

Preach Week at BSSM

Preach Week at BSSM

At the beginning of October, I found out that all Second Year students have to preach a sermon. Nooooooo!! I wanted to drop out then and there. Why had nobody told me?! I wished I had known in advance. I…