Things That Have Helped Me As a Teacher

Things That Have Helped Me As a Teacher

The Best Decision You Can Make In Your Life

The Best Decision You Can Make In Your Life

I took last week off because I recently lost my grandpa. It was somewhat unexpected, at least that things would progress as quickly as they did, and my family lost a great man of God who left behind an amazing…

Self-Care vs. Sabbath

Self-Care vs. Sabbath

“Self-care” is a huge buzzword right now. I see someone posting about it almost every time I’m scrolling Instagram and even while I’m reading the news. Quite frankly, I’m sick of hearing about it. Don’t get me wrong: I don’t…

Things Introverts Love About Church

Things Introverts Love About Church

Last week I shared Things Introverts Hate About Church. Admittedly, many things about church services can make us introverts feel uncomfortable. But there are also some things about church that we thrive on. Here are a few of them: Movie…

Things Introverts Hate About Church

Things Introverts Hate About Church

As a shy introvert who grew up in the church, I have early memories of hiding under the pew when greeting time struck, ducking behind my parents when overly friendly parishioners invaded my personal bubble, and hightailing it out the…

Above Reproach

Above Reproach

“What in my life is not okay anymore?” That’s the question Havilah Cunnington recently challenged me to ask God in one of her books. I know I’m not perfect. Oh, how aware of that fact I am. Most of the…

Who Are You Getting Your Identity From?

Who Are You Getting Your Identity From?

I’m a big fan of the Myers-Briggs. Don’t get me wrong; I believe it’s a tool, not a sentence. I don’t want to put people in boxes and insist they conform to something they’re not. Nor do I want to…

Seedtime and Harvest

Seedtime and Harvest

As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease. Genesis 8:22 I’ve shared my gardening woes with you before. I am terrible at gardening. I want to be…

Four Favorite Places to Buy Books (+ Four Best Books I’ve Read Lately)

Four Favorite Places to Buy Books (+ Four Best Books I’ve Read Lately)

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you click through to Amazon and make a purchase, I may receive a small compensation, at no extra cost to you. That said, I only share products I truly like…

Faith Playlist

Faith Playlist

I know it’s easy to let doubt and fear seep in during this season. Fear of illness, fear of not having enough money to pay the bills, fear of running out of toilet paper… Okay, that last one was a…

COVID-19 Deals & Discounts

COVID-19 Deals & Discounts

Hello my fellow hermits! As all the coronavirus quarantining continues, an increasing number of online vendors are offering increasingly good deals. Not only is this great for those of us who like to save a few bucks, but we can…